Wagyu Bulls
for Sale

Wagyu Bulls for Sale

Our unique Wagyu breeding program for bulls uses fullblood Tajima genetics for exceptional marbling, combined with fullblood growth lines for efficient, fast-growing bulls with unmatched marbling scores.

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Reference sires

UKB Dia 6 Kitaseki 36M is a highly regarded Wagyu bull with a notable lineage. His heritage traces back to Westholme outcross bulls, Dai 6 Seizan, who carries the genetics of Okayama and Fujiyoshi, both renowned for their considerable growth performance. The addition of Kikunori doi through Kanehagi has enhanced the marbling performance of Dai 6 Seizan. Kitasekihiro, the dam of UKB Dia 6 Kitaseki, can be traced back to one of the oldest lines of Tottori genetics by Yuhou, making him a valuable link to the Kedaka and Okayama lines known for increased growth, maternal, and size.

UKB Dia 6 Kitaseki 36M’s progeny have performed exceptionally well in various competitions, including the American Royal Steak competition, with several direct sons placing among the top five; this is a testament to the superior quality of his meat and marbling. Additionally, UKB 36M had a frame score of 7, which placed him within the top 1% of the breed.

As UKB Dia 6 Kitaseki 36M passed away unexpectedly at the age of 7, his supply of semen is limited. However, his exceptional genetics and breeding capabilities make him a valuable asset to our breeding program.



UKB Mr Itokitatsuru is a noteworthy Wagyu bull with a distinguished pedigree. He is a direct son of Itokitatsuru Doi, who, in turn, is a direct son of ETJ 007 Kitatsurukiku Doi. Kitatsurukiku Doi is a son of Dai 2 Yasutsuru Doi, who sired the JVP Fukutsuru 068 and is a direct descendant of the renowned “Hyogo” cow, Kikutsuru. Itosekimasu, a linebred Kedaka cow bred by Itokitatsuru J1081, is the dam of Mr Itokitatsuru. She combines the marbling performance of several Tajima bull lines, including Yasumi doi, Kikumi doi, Kikunori doi, and Kikuyasu doi, with the growth performance of a linebred Kedaka cow.

Furthermore, the dam of Mr Itokitatsuru, UKB Ms 907 Oliver, contributes additional lines to Dai 2 Yasutsuru Doi, who is the son of Kikutsuru the “Hyogo Cow,” through JVP Fukutsuru 068. The genetics of Fujiyoshi bulls Itofuji, Dai 2 Akashi, and Dai 7 Itozakura further enhance the growth performance of the dam’s lineage.

In conclusion, UKB Mr Itokitatsuru’s pedigree reflects his exceptional genetic lineage, combining the marbling and growth performance of various Tajima bull lines. His impressive pedigree and genetic makeup make him a highly valued and sought-after bull in the Wagyu breeding industry.



JVP Kikuyasu-400 is a remarkable Wagyu bull known for his exceptional marbling abilities. He is the grandson of Kikuterudoi and son of Kikunoridoi, both renowned for their contributions to the Wagyu beef industry. Kikuyasu-400 was bred in Hyogo Prefecture, which is well-known for producing the famous Kobe beef. His sire sired the Grand Champion Group, which included four carcasses, and was also Grand Japan Champion in Japan’s National Carcass Competition, highlighting the exceptional genetics passed down to Kikuyasu-400.

Kikuyasu-400 is the heaviest and largest bull to leave Japan, weighing in at an impressive 1,980 lbs. He is the sire of Kinu T077, whose offspring have all graded at BMS +9, and her dam was considered the best in foundation stock for breeding. Kikuyasu-400 semen is highly sought-after due to his exceptional genetics, which improve the size of offspring and increase ribeye size. However, with only 484 progenies registered as of May 2019, his semen is becoming increasingly rare. Kikuyasu-400’s contribution to the Wagyu beef industry has been significant, and his exceptional genetics continue to make a lasting impact on the industry today.



JVP Yasutanisakura is a Wagyu bull with an impressive lineage as the maternal grandsire of Dai 7 Itozakura. He originates from the distinguished Yasutani Doi Tajima Line and is known for his exceptional marbling and milking abilities. Despite being underrated in the United States, Yasutani doi is recognized for having the highest quality marbling and best-tasting fat among all Tajima Lines, according to Taiki Otsuka, a certified Japanese Wagyu Semen Salesman. Yasutanisakura’s offspring have demonstrated good growth and balance in his bulls, while his daughters have shown increased milk production.

In conclusion, Yasutanisakura is a well-balanced Wagyu bull with a valuable genetic lineage. His exceptional marbling and milking abilities, combined with his balanced genetic makeup, make him a valuable asset to our breeding program. Although he has been underrated in the United States, his impressive qualities and lineage should not be overlooked in the Wagyu breeding industry.



ITOSHIGENAMI TF 148 is a Wagyu bull that is highly regarded for his superior genetics and performance in the Wagyu breeding industry. As a direct son of Shigeshigenami, who is renowned for siring the two-time Japanese grand champion Okushige and the grandsire of the famous cows Suzutani and Rikitani, ITOSHIGENAMI TF 148 possesses an exceptional lineage that reflects the superior qualities of the Kumanami strain of Tajima.

ITOSHIGENAMI TF 148’s pedigree includes the presence of snowflake marbling on the carcass, which is a famous trait of the Shigekanenami family or the Kumanami strain of Tajima. This lineage is reflected three times in his pedigree, twice through the sire and once through the dam. Additionally, the bull’s lineage includes the genetics of Dai 7 Itozakura, which is known for its excellent marbling and milking abilities.

As a result of the breeding of ITOSHIGENAMI TF 148 in Australia, he has produced innumerable impactful sons, including the standouts Mayura Itoshigenami JNR and Sumo Itoshigenami C0158. The bull has also dominated pedigrees and performance, both in Australia and around the world, making him a highly respected and sought-after addition to any breeding program.

In conclusion, ITOSHIGENAMI TF 148 is a Wagyu bull that possesses an exceptional genetic lineage and performance that have made a significant impact on the Wagyu breeding industry. His direct lineage to prestigious Wagyu lines, combined with his own outstanding qualities, make him a highly respected and valuable addition to any breeding program. The continued use of ITOSHIGENAMI TF 148’s genetics is sure to have a lasting impact on the quality and taste of Wagyu beef for years to come.



KIMIYASU 1029D is a noteworthy Wagyu bull with an exceptional genetic lineage. His lineage is traced directly to TF Yasutani 1012 and TF 809, and Tanifuku doi, renowned for its outstanding quality and taste of fat. KIMIYASU 1029D’s pedigree reflects this fine line of Tajima three times, significantly contributing to his genetic makeup.

Furthermore, KIMIYASU 1029D’s pedigree is further enriched with the genetics of Fujiyoshi bulls, including Itomichi, the Hikokura cow family, and Shimane grand champion cow Ezokintou. These contributions significantly enhance his growth performance, which is highly desired in the Wagyu breeding industry.

KIMIYASU 1029D’s sire, Tanifuku doi, is highly prized in Japan for its exceptional quality and fat flavor, which KIMIYASU 1029D inherits. During a meeting with Mr. Shogo Takeda in Hokkaido, Japan, Mr. Takeda noted that Kimifuku 3 dominated carcass quality at his farm and restaurant. As a result, Kimyasu has become a highly valued and sought-after bull in the Wagyu breeding industry.

KIMIYASU 1029D’s genetics have significantly impacted our herd’s genetics, particularly in producing high-quality and flavorful fat. His direct lineage to prestigious Wagyu lines, combined with his own outstanding qualities, make him a highly respected and valuable addition to any breeding program. The continued use of KIMIYASU 1029D’s genetics will impact the quality and taste of Wagyu beef for years to come.



UKB Terukane is a prime example of a wagyu bull with exceptional genetic potential. His sire, TF40 Terutani, a 100% Tajima bull with a balanced combination of Kikumi doi and Yasumi doi genetics, anchored his genetic lineage; this contributes to Terutani’s great ribeye and carcass yield, as well as the high-quality offspring he produces.

Terukane’s dam, Kanetani, is an original import from World K’s and possesses exceptional breeding capabilities. Her offspring includes some of the most prestigious wagyu lines, such as Tanitsuru and Hisako. This outstanding pedigree has made Kanetani’s offspring, including Terukane, highly sought after in the breeding world.

Terukane’s physical attributes are also impressive. He exhibits excellent muscling and body conformation, highly desirable traits in the wagyu breed. Furthermore, his exceptional temperament makes him easy to handle and manage, adding to his value as a breeding bull.

UKB Terukane is a highly valuable wagyu bull with an exceptional genetic lineage and physical attributes. His outstanding genetic potential and desirable physical traits make him ideal  for any  breeding program.



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